Saturday, July 07, 2007

What inspires?... part 6

Nature's little gifts...

I live my life with a simple ethic...when you give to nature, it gives back to you 10-fold. It is a simple rule or law of Nature and one that I hold very close to my everyday practice.

(Photo: Honey Bee hard at work inside a Butternut Squash bloom)

I consider my design work and interaction with my clients as a way to teach people about Nature and when my drawing plans are followed, trees and shrubs get planted. In a way, I do a small part (one urban yard at a time) to help restore beauty to the land and help bring Nature back in balance through the trees I plant.

Anyway, it has been a busy Spring and early summer season for me, not much time to update my blog posts lately or do much gardening. But I thought I would share this one with you....

I was really hoping to get a chance to buy some Butternut Squash plants to place in the garden for this year... a favourite for making pies, breads, soups and just baking slices in olive oil with salt & pepper. But having been so busy, I did not have the time to follow through... I had Butternut Squash growing last year and one of them had rotted while resting on the soil. So, I left it in the garden for compost...

Somehow, someway, the seeds from that squash had matured and in this Spring season they sprouted in an almost perfect line to form 4 or 5 vines. It was almost like the garden heard my thoughts and followed through for me even though I could not get to it on my own. That is what I consider one of Nature's little gifts back to me.

(Photo on Left: The Butternut Squash Vines that seeded themselves.)


  1. cycles are wonderful :)

    Hope you enjoy them when they are ready :)

  2. Scott writes in to ask:

    Is it worth the investment to hire a professional landscape design company or can you do it yourself? If I do hire a landscaping company will they increase the value of my home? If so how much on average. What should I look for in particular when interviewing a company?

    My comment to these questions is that when you hire a professional, the idea is that you are maximizing your money spent to bring in the right look and feel to your landscape. But having said that, it is a personal choice you make, the question to ask you have the creativity and design sense to create your own landscape? If so then go to it! If not, then you should hire a professional if you want a professionally looking landscaped yard.

    As to how much value on average will a professionally landscaped yard bring to your home? If the design is done right, and is functional...adding a pleasing look to the yard and complementing the home, of course it will increase the value of that home, but to put a dollar figure to that increase, it would be relative to what is spent on the landscape and relative to your real estate market for your area... best bet is to chat with a real estate agent and get some good inside tips for that.

    As to what to look for in a landscape contractor or design professional, click on the landscape contractor link or the link from the menu on the right side of the blog page.
