Yes folks, yet another reoccurring theme in my blog posts; excellent stone masonry work! When a true craftsman puts his hands to a stone wall, I cannot help but stare and admire it.

This past summer I was working on a landscape design for a custom home project built by a friend of mine,
John Sever of Sever Homes, Custom Design and Build . The interesting thing for me was that I had ventured onto the job site to take pictures of the surrounding property so I could begin my design concept for the landscape plan...

Instead of focusing on the task at hand, my eyes were drawn to the stonework that was happening around the home itself. I snapped these pictures in admiration and decided to post them today to share with you... Once in a while you will see stone masonry projects where your eyes go immediately to mistakes in the stone layout, or forgotten corners of stone pieces that should have been chiseled smooth instead of left razor sharp. I've even seen cases where mortar is falling out of joints on a 2 year old house that is valued at about 1.5 million!...that to me would be like buying a Ferrari and having the wheel bolts shear off the first time you drive it....

Well, none of that scariness was evident on this project!... The masons took their time and poured their hearts into their craft as they put this exterior together. It was a pleasure to watch them work and always a pleasure to see what details John creates in his new home projects.... John will always demand good quality work from his trades when building a home... I do the same in my landscapes and that is why I like working with him, makes for a perfect fit.

The stone used here is a mixture of Dani stone mixed with Ebel stone... The Mason's technique is to mimic the style of stonework you would see on structures in the old parts of Downtown Toronto and in other various parts of Ontario where Credit Valley stone was used about 100 years ago.
The home is near complete and the landscape will be finished this spring... I will be sure to visit once everything is done and photograph it all for a future post update...
As a masonry contractor in the Seattle area, I like to keep up with my fellow masons are are doing around the country. I especially enjoy articles that feature stone masonry. Here in Seattle, the economy has slowed down our stone masonry projects quite a little bit but i am hoping for better times ahead.
Thanks Tim Wheeler
This is indeed an excellent masonry work! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished look of the home with this beautiful masonry work. Thank you for sharing very nice photos!
That's definitely some gorgeous stone work! I grew up in New England and have always loved stone - first working with it, now designing with it. Great post to help get us all through the winter.
looking forward to seeing the finished look of the home with this beautiful masonry work. thanks
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